Wednesday, November 27, 2019

AIDS in Africa essays

AIDS in Africa essays Seventy-four percent of the AIDS population is found in Africa. One in ten adults living in Africa is now infected with HIV, and in certain places in southern Africa, at least one in four adults are infected. Not only does AIDS affect the immediate victims, but in Africa, it frequently is passed on to the children. An estimated 1,700 new infections occur each day. The infection rates among newborns are high. Furthermore, AIDS orphans many children. Rape victims have a high risk of testing positive for HIV, which is especially sad for a country where such a crime is widespread. Even in mutual relationships, the females often would like to use a sort of protection; well males do not wish to do so. When a female condom was available in a few parts of Africa, they disappeared in frenzy. Many problems contribute to poor conditions, and subsequently, AIDS is a problem for every one of Africas citizens. (MSNBC) For a while, part of the problem was lack of education, but programs such as the International Aids Vaccine Initiative (a charity dedicated to raising money for AIDS vaccine research, patenting the rights and distributing the vaccine at low cost) are currently working on improving that. IAVI is dedicated to trying to implement programs that will be able to distribute the AIDS vaccine as soon as one is found. The worry that access to treatment may not be available quickly where it is most needed is founded in past experiences. For instance, the Hepatitis B vaccine, which was first patented in the early 1980s, is still not available in many poor countries. Therefore, many believe that an AIDS vaccine will sooner protect people in rich countries than those where the epidemic is becoming totally out of control. With current vaccine research employing expensive new technologies, initial prices of new vaccines against AIDS may be significantly higher than those for Hepatitis B. If those lower cost drugs are not...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Working with Addicts Essays

Working with Addicts Essays Working with Addicts Essay Working with Addicts Essay Addiction social worker The Canadian government has realized the effect drug abuse has on the young population and has taken an initiative to employ social workers who assist in the rehabilitation process of the people struggling with substance abuse. The process has cost the taxpayers over $22.8 billion annually (Pearson, Janz Ali, 2013). Social workers need to be informed about the broad and varying context that surrounds the lives of people and forms the social work practice. Their work has five contexts which include that their work should be done within set boundaries in a nation, region or state. Also, the political system of the area governs how they carry out their activities, the beliefs, and culture of the individuals as well the socio-economic which involves education, health facilities and the livelihood of the people. The spiritual context is based on the human or social work practice that focuses on the ethics, philosophies, and ideals of the people the workers work with (Wilson Kolander, 2011). A structural perspective on social work refers to social workers making efforts to connect the duality of the social and personal, community and the individual and enable the social workers to have an understanding of the wide range of populations on social processes and reproduce or support social problems (Payne, 2014). Structural social work, therefore, acknowledges the function of social structures in maintaining and producing personal hardship and inequality. Structural social work externally affects the micro and macro issues, and it argues that structural forces in society such as criminal justice systems, government, and education systems are to blame for peoples problems. However, it is not correct in relation to alcohol and drug usage because most drug abusers engage in the act without influenc e from structural forces and their recovery is majorly a personal choice. Social workers deal with different groups of people as named above. One cannot, therefore, expect them to be experts in handling all groups and the task is left to the workers depending on who feel best to deal with the situation at hand best. Their major roles include motivating people to divert their problematic substance use behavior by supporting them, their carers and families and directing their behavior (Romach, Schoedel Sellers, 2014). They engage in discussions of substance abuse as part of their role in supporting the users of their services, their dependents, and families. Additionally, they support people in their attempts to maintain and make changes in the use of drugs. Role of social workers in substance abuse Discussions of the topic of substance abuse are important in social work practice. No person starts taking drugs with the intention of developing the habit that leads to addiction and affects their health. The substance users have however faced exclusion and discrimination from people in society. Working against the negativity and social injustice these people face is the role of the social workers as it is among their ethical and commitment requirements (Wilson Kolander, 2011). Social workers are skilled at building relationships and being willing to listen and not judging the individuals struggling with substance abuse. They draw on their strengths and offer them care. A social worker needs to focus on asking questions about substance use routinely to monitor the drug users progress during the treatment period. One also prepares to engage children, carers and family members to discuss how the family will offer support to the drug users (Vaughn Perron, 2014). One identifies the ra nge of effects the drugs may have on the substance abusers or people around him such as the dependents and children and find ways to explain to the drug user the problem the use of drugs is bringing to the family. The social worker on the other hand learns and fills the gaps in knowledge of substance use and the skills using continuing professional development. The social worker needs to take advanced training in particular frameworks of working with substance use to know how to handle the matters that he or she may encounter during work. They also take the initiative of working collaboratively with substance use services which include exchanging mutual knowledge on confidentiality, boundaries of care, and service models. They recognize stigma in the drug users and offer a non-judgemental practice that includes inclusionary approach and positive language (Goodman, 2013). They advanced social workers encourage the staff to reflect on the ethics of acre, risks, and attitudes relating to substance abuse and the individuals with the addiction. The experienced and advanced workers support and encourage less experienced colleagues in the engagement of handling drug abuse as part of their role. They have also shown commitment to the discussion of drug abuse and raising the issue in management and supervision roles to ensure each person taking part in social work plays his or her role to make everyones efforts successful. There are various problems that social workers encounter related to drug abuse. They encounter occasional issues linked with substance use. A drug user may not be taking alcohol or drugs every day but they occasionally indulge them, and it leads to issues in their lives. Their regular indulgent may seem normal to the users, but it eventually causes harm to them. The users have daily or frequent problems linked with substance use. It occurs when one is undergoing a range of issues linked to drug abuse and it negatively affects ones mental of physical health, their parenting ability, employment or financial status and relationship problems (Kuhar, 2012). The drug user may have also been involved in criminal acts. The other kinds of problems they may have encountered are previous issues but are not occurring currently. The person may have had an account of past issues but due to abstinence no longer encounters them. Social workers motivate the drug users to change the problematic drug a buse they face. The change model is a five-step process on how people think about an issue and later change their behavior. The first stage is pre-contemplation where no one thinks about behavior change. In the contemplation stage, the person struggling with substance abuse thinks about the issues but takes no action on the problem (Nasr Phillips, 2014). In the preparation stage, one begins to plan how he or she can make changes. In the action phase, the drug user does something to make changes. For instance, one can decide to talk to someone on the drug and alcohol use. Finally, there is the maintenance stage where the person maintains the non-problematic level of use. The social workers enable the people struggling with substance abuse identify the motivation for social change and look for strategies to sustain it (Leyton, 2016). The support and motivation involve the discussion of the people struggling with substance abuse about their addiction and continuation of post-intervention support which involves being supportive to the families affected by their loved ones addiction to substance use. The social worker assesses and identifies the use of substance including the risk to others and oneself, giving advice, onward referral and brief intervention to specialists and receiving and providing informed leadership and supervision.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intellectual property problems between Apple and Samsung Research Paper

Intellectual property problems between Apple and Samsung - Research Paper Example For Samsung, it has been through thepatentinfringementsuits. Theapplecompanyis situated in the United States whereas Samsung is from South Korea. AppleCompany hadseveralways and differenttheories of Infringement andthejuryhadnoanyotheroptionother than presentingall of them. Patentlitigation is between Apple and Samsung andthese has gottenmuchattention from themedia, investors andmany industrialexecutives. Apple has all through claimedthat Samsung hadcopied their iPhone. Thecaseallbegan January 2007 whenthe iPhone wasbeenintroduced in theworldmarket. Theapple companyfiledthesuite four days before therelease of the iPhone. Among themany Apples graphical user interfaces, Apple gotinterested in one of theintellectualproperties that were to be used against the Samsung Company. 15th April 2011 a complaintwasfiled in the District Court forthenorthern District of California in the United States. Applestillmaintainedthat there wasinfringement on their intellectualproperty. Applesubmittedallthe data thattheyhad towards Samsung using their sameproducts as part of their data. Theywent through theprocess by comparingthesimilarities of their products with that of the Samsung(New York: Cengage Learning, Copyright, 2012) On 22nd April 2011 Samsung wentaheadanddidthesamethingthat Apple haddoneandfileda complaint in courts in Seoul which is its capitalcity andtheyalsofiledanothercomplaint in Mannheim, Germany.Theymadeallegationsthat Apple hadinfringed its patents. Samsung filed five patentinfringements. August 2012 thejudgeswhowere to presidethecase that hadbeenfiled by Samsung and after reviewing thecaseallthejudgescame up with severaldecisions(New Jersey : MIT Press. Copyright,2011) pg. 134.The overall decisionwasthat Apple hadinfringed two Samsungs technology patents. Theyalsoconcludedthat Samsung hadonlyviolated one Apples patent. Thecourtalsodeniedtheallegationsthat Samsung hadcopiedthedesigns of the iPad and the iPhone.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Environments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Environments - Assignment Example Whether for-profit or non-profit, organisations embody a very diverse and rich assortment of strategic goals that are designed around a collective objective. Organisations must meet the needs of very diverse and dynamic stakeholders whilst also taking into consideration the economic policies in the region where the organisation operates, consider existing market forces that influence decision-making, and also take into account the potential cultural aspects of important stakeholders if the organisation is to have successful outputs and outcomes. The report explores a broader definition of organisations, their role in satisfying diverse stakeholders, and the market environment that influences organisational decision-making whether for-profit or non-profit. Identifying the purpose of organisations There are many different varieties of organisations, including corporations, non-profits, cooperatives, partnerships and governments. Organisations embody a very rich assortment of goals and visions, either set-up to service the needs of diverse international stakeholders, provide a valuable product or service that enhances the welfare of consumers, elicit some form of political or social change, or improve the social welfare of stakeholders linked to the mission of the organisation. Organisations require leadership and oversight in order to ensure compliance to regulatory frameworks both domestic and international and â€Å"have the ability to call upon a common heritage of committee structures or formal meetings† (Smith 2010, p.2) to ensure the organisation is meeting its long-term goals and purpose (mission). One example of this can be found with the UK-based non-profit, the Centre for Better Health, which provides well-being to consumers through counselling services and assists individuals in the London region to better develop their employability skills. This organisation is considered a social enterprise, whereby its purpose is to provide enhanced lifestyle and health promotion to stakeholders in the region. Consisting of 20 different staff members and 50 volunteers, the Centre for Better Health elicits change in social welfare for stakeholders as aligned with its mission and vision. Yet another example of how organisations meet their purpose and satisfy social welfare improvements is the UK company Marks & Spencer, a retail organisation providing valuable products that enhance lifestyle for consumer segments. The company’s mission statement drives the majority of their business practices, aligning corporate ideology with consumer social welfare improvements. The mission statement is to provide aspirational quality that can be accessible for all consumer segments, whilst maintaining a vision of being the standard by which all other retailers are judged. Marks and Spencer maintains a very dedicated focus toward providing corporate social responsibility which again serves their purpose of enhancing social welfare. Marks and Spenc er is an ideal example of how an organisation develops systems, best practices, and labour relationships to provide a social good to society. Meeting the objectives of stakeholders The external market environment, with most organisations, dictates internal policies and the necessary organisational structure required to be adaptable to these changing conditions. Contingency theory informs organisational leadership that in order to remain relevant and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Seasonal Workers Essay Example for Free

Seasonal Workers Essay Seasonal work, the ideal job for young people, college students, and those in need of working urgently. We will show how some companies benefit from seasonal jobs and how individuals make these jobs an opportunity to reach their goals using this chance as a stepping stone. Different ways to reach out those in need of a job, and the trouble these seasonal jobs cause companies when not fill completely or in time for the summer demands. Review/Analysis of the Case Being able to fill positions during demanding times is crucial for all businesses regardless of their affiliations. For companies like High Sierra pools that need lifeguards and pool staff, but can’t obtain them throughout promoting the positions locally, using outside agencies is the best choice. With the policies Congress has impose over the H-2B visas that will prevent previous employees under the visa program apply again, will generate a significant problem while trying to hire employees for the season. Businesses must result to other strategies in order to accommodate their needs. Requesting volunteers from within the company to work extra hours, or add more days to their schedules could help them resolve the current issue. Other ways to fill up the empty positions would be to promote a program that will secure individuals looking for a possible permanent position; having the flexibility to hire for the season with high probabilities of keeping the job would attract more people for those positions locally. Also promising your business directly to one agency may give them the motivation to work the extra mile and bring the best seasonal workers out there. I would recommend them to create a hiring program that would brings students looking for a chance within a business, that will allow them to start at a certain position with the opportunity to apply for others within the company. This would allow them to bring in those looking for interships in business environment. Adapt the program to allow those with a business major to be selected as trainees in different positions within the company, allowing the the chance to stay as a permanent employee or even come back next year during the same time frame. This could serve as a experience stepping stone for those about to graduate and looking for a background experience for other promising jobs. Other strategies that could be use to gain more employees, would be to seek students directly. Going to campuses and providing briefings about the company, their vision, employment programs, and benefits for those young future employees facing the business world. Could promote a higher rate of employment for the company, not only throughout the seasonal time but chances of permanent and best experienced workers in a near future. By providing a good advertisement, the company can be found easier in the many search engines used now days. Making it easier for students to come across them while in the internet. High Sierra Pools, should take this strategies to consideration and give them a try, it could help them find workers faster, easier, and expend less money searching for employees instead of using an outside agency to do the work for them like the previous years. Summary and Conclusions If High Sierra Pools maintains the current employment issue without searching for other alternatives. They will eventually face a major downfall when the summer season comes around. This could hurt their business greatly, not only by not having enough employees, but the current customers may notice a change in the services provided and change their location comes next year season. Being able to adapt to the demanding load of customers and service will be a key tool for the success of their business. Make themselves reliable and flexible to future employees and candidates will maintain the flow of seasonal employees they need to succeed every year. Whether is a company or corporation being able to supply the required number of employees and provide an attractive work environment with good opportunities, will provide the business with a steady growth every season.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Obama and Romney Campaign Video Analysis

Obama and Romney Campaign Video Analysis Analysis of Obama and Romney campaign Advertisements Igbinosa Ojehomon According to McNair Brian â€Å"Political communication simply is purposeful communication about politics†[1] From his definition of political communication, the main word that strikes a chord is â€Å"purposeful† which according to Merriam Webster dictionary, defines purposeful as â€Å"having a clear aim or purpose†[2] So his explanation could be summarized as communication related to politics having a clear aim. Political communication always has an intent and intended target. More so, it usually has an objective and the objective most of the time it is to influence and persuade an intended group or populace. Besides political communication is always issue specific. Part time the information disseminated is well-defined to reflect a particular message. This is done in other to ensure that the recipients of the targeted information get the intended message in other to have maximum impact. Besides political communication has gone beyond just spoken words and com posed text but it has metamorphosed into to the realm of using filmic and photographic cues[3]. These include deliberate concerted efforts at manipulate audio-visual and pictorial materials, structured in such a way that it portrays a particular identity. In this fashion this could be referred to as Political Image. It further includes advertising related attributes such as emblem design for political party, facial cosmetics, and hairdo making of whoever is going to be a flag bearer of the political party. All this are deliberately done to ensure positive image of the political part and the party leader in other to create a positive impression on the mind of the intended target in order to achieve an intended objective desired by the political party and the political leader. This processes goes down to include what type of slogan to use, what color should be used to represent the party to even include voice training of the political leader, gesture training, walking steps to dressin g style are all carefully manage by a specialist to portray and image consistent with what is intended by the party. Funny enough all this transformation in political communication has influence by advancement in communication technology. From paper to newspapers, magazine to radio, television to the social media. However the advent of the television most especially the colored television has open a fora for highly colorful political advertising programs, speeches, jingles all utilize highly creative multimedia tools to produce the most colorful and eye appeal video footage. Besides all entities have components, this divisions that make up the entity. Against the backdrop the parts that make up political communication are as follows the media, the citizens and the political organization[4] COMPONENT OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION The citizen, media and political organization are all core parts of political communication. They are highly dependent on each other and they could be referred to as mutually interdependent. Each constituent depend on the other constituent depend on the other constituent for relevance. This process is also vice versa. Firms 2012 (Barack Obama’s campaign) This 32 seconds Ad was carefully structured to support the motion that Romney was the problem and not the solution to American’s economic woes, by exposing the trading pattern of Romney’s firms and money laundering schemes. In the period when these Ads were aired, America has been experiencing a steady increase in unemployment and the economy was in a bad shape. This economic situation badly affected the middle class of the American society who were losing their jobs to offshore- outsourcing of labor to countries of cheap labor such as Mexico, India and china. Besides, further investment in Tax havens such as Cayman Island and Bermuda. Tax havens â€Å"are locations with very low tax rates and other tax attributes designed to appeal to foreign investors†[5] Some tax haven do not apply taxes for foreign investors. This is an attraction for rich folks and investors, for it is more profitable for them to invest in this place because of low or zero tax. This must hav e been an attraction for Romney’s firm, for his is a business man and wants to make profits. However, investing funds in another country has a tendency of improving the economy of that country. So what this Obama TV Ad is trying to drive at with relation to the economic situation in the United States, is that Romney by investing in the Cayman Island and Bermuda instead of the United States, is contributing to the economic challenges of the United States at that time and not helping the situation. For every amount of money that was invested outside the United States would have contributed to the improvement of the American economy. Besides, the money laundering acts by Romney highlighted in this TV Ad to Swiss account helped to further reinforce the key message of this TV Ad the â€Å"Romney is the problem and not the solution† for when large chunk of money is moved from a country, it short circuit the natural flow of money in the economy and this disruptions have signi ficant impact on the general functioning of the economy. Likewise, those funds saved in the Swiss account by Romney if saved in banks in banks in United States, it would have help improved the American economy by making available funds which banks could borrow to American citizens for business related activities and the such activities would create jobs for American people etc. Personally the arrangement of ideas in this Ad was very was very effective and the arrangement of evidences to support the main idea was splendid. This was an attempt to demonize Romney and blame him for economic situation at that time. However looking at things objectively Romney is a business man, and the goal of every businessman is to make profits so every sane business man will act in like-manner like Romney, such as outsourcing of jobs, investing in Tax haven if he or she feels it is profitable. The Cheaters 2012 (Barack Obama’s campaign) This 30 seconds audio-visual Obama Ad is titled The Cheaters, this title is arrived at by taking out excerpt from Romney’s speech which is as follows â€Å"It’s time to stand up to the cheaters and make sure we protect jobs for the American people† Funny enough this excerpt was taken from Romney’s TV Ad against Obama accusing Obama of not standing up to China Hence being a cheater. So we could argue that this Obama Tv Ad is a response to Romney’s Tv Ad. The architect of this Ad are very smart, in that they used Romney’s words which he accused Obama of cheating and not standing up to china against him. This they did by picking up key phrases in Romney’s Ad such as â€Å"Stand up to† â€Å"the cheaters† and â€Å"protect jobs† which he accused Obama of, then using those key phrases against Romney. This they did by providing evidences to prove that what he accused Obama of, he (Romney) is guilty of it; that is,  "not standing up to china†. This evidences are presented as follows Firstly, transferring employment to china. Romney’s investment company called Bain capital has overtime systematically invested in companies that focus on shifting jobs from United States to china.[6]This is a direct link to the fact that Romney has not stood up to china. For how can you claim you are standing up to a country and then still indirectly provide jobs for that country at the expense of your own country. That is highly hypocritical and dishonest; this was what Romney’s action implied. This was what Obama TV Ad was trying to capitalize on. That Romney is a hypocrite and dishonest hence â€Å"The Cheater.† This evidence is aimed at making the American public view Romney as unpatriotic. For his investment patterns was taking jobs from the American people and transferring them to China. Americans are very patriotic people, so they would not vote for a presidential candidate that reflect unpatriotic sentiments. Personally I feel this was a very convincing message, that Romney was not standing up to china for the way the Obama TV portrayed it Secondly, heavily investing in china. The surveillance industry in china is a booming industry due to the rising threat of insecurity as a result of large and growing population. This Obama TV Ad help to highlight the fact that significant portion of Romney’s wealthy is invested in the surveillance industry in china.[7] This directly boosts the Chinese economy, provide jobs for Chinese people. This action of Romney’s firms highly illustrates the fact that Romney is not standing up to china instead he is supporting china. These furthermore reinforces the fact that he is supporting china at the expense of the American people. This has negative connotation on the voting populace. For the American people have been wary of china for it is a direct threat to the American economy. For it is a hub for cheap labor and a distribution point for cheap product to the United States. Due to this economic characteristics of china, American has been losing funds and jobs to china. So Ob ama TV Ad on the second point helps to illustrate that Romney has chosen to align himself with china which is a threat to American economy. Thus, it indicates that Romney is supporting china. This message the Obama TV Ad tries to pass across to the American people that Romney is supporting china which depriving them jobs while he claims he is not supporting china. To sum up, the two TV Ad of Obama titled Firms 2012 and the cheaters 2012 were designed to were designed portray Mitt Romney in a negative fashion. The Tv Ad Title Firms 2012 was designed so that the American public could perceive Mitt Romney as the cause of America’s economic challenges due to foreign outsourcing of jobs and investment in tax havens which indirectly causes unemployment and reduction in funds available in the American economy. More so the campaign advertisement title â€Å"The cheaters 2012† was to show mitt Romney as not a dishonest person, for he claimed he would stand up to china, however his financial company was heavily investing in china directly and indirectly Source: Mitt Romney, has had successful career both academically, politically and businesswise until the presidential election in 2012 which he lost to Barack Obama. He studied in Ivy League schools such as Stanford and Harvard[8]. Politically he was one time governor of Massachusetts. Businesswise he owns a very profitable financial company called Bain capital.[9]This company has been very profitable to Romney and has help to manage his financial assets and channel funds to profitable investments. Conservative Agenda 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) The first few words of this campaign Tv advertisement summarizes everything in this video. That is Mitt Romney claiming that he would make the American government simpler smaller and smarter, this he further explains he would do through nationalization of programs eliminating non-essential programs and Obamacare. This his rhetoric is highly conservative and a reflection of Republican Party doctrine. Republican Party are not in favor of welfare programs, that may explain why he said he will get rid of programs(Obamacare).He also talks about introducing spending cut and balancing of budget. By this he is trying to show that Obama’s government are not literate enough to handle the American economy. More so his approach here to what is causing job loss for the American people is government deficit as a result of excessive spending .In this campaign add he is outlining the problems of the American economy and offering solutions to it. He is not directing his criticism at Obamas per sonality but at the institution that represent Obamas government. Besides his words in this video is portraying care and concern for the American people and the future. He is portraying himself as a responsible father by talking about the negative impact the Obama government is having on the future of the American kid. Give Me a Break 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) â€Å"Give me a break† means literally excuse me or give me breathing space. This could literally mean mitt Romney telling Obama to give the American people a break, for even former president Clinton said the same word in 2008 presidential campaign about Obama, highlighting the fact that he could not see any meaningful solution Obama would bring. For since Obama took office the American economy has regressed, the middle class are falling backward and large chunk of the American population are looking for job. Failing American Workers 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) The title of campaign advertisement summarizes everything in this video. Before Obama took office for the first time he promised to create jobs and revive the economy. However the video illustrates that Obama has failed to meet up to his promises, thereby failing the American workers, who are affected most by his failure. Romney shows using figures that illustrate that Americas manufacturing jobs was more than china but when Obama took office, it drop till the extent that china overtook America in manufacturing jobs. An excess of half a million manufacturing jobs were lost under Obamas first administration. This is a concrete prove that Obama has failed the American worker. This is the message Romney is trying to pass across. Failing American Families 2012 (Mitt Romney’s campaign) Family is a very important factor in among the conservative in the American society. Romney is using the family as a weapon to show that under Obamas administration family income has on a regular interval been reducing by 4000 dollars and furthermore he also illustrates that national debt have increased steadily. By this happen he has failed to meet up to the expectation he promised the American people when he initially took office hence failed the American families. PERSONAL ANALYSIS In this section would attempt to analyze Obama campaign and Romney campaign separately then show the differences and similarities between the two The differences between Obama campaign and Romney campaign in this Video clips is that the two Obama video clips are is more of a personality attack on Romney, designed to create negative sentiment about Romney. Secondly it is mainly focused on Romney as the cause of the problems. Thirdly it it is attacking Romney’s business life. Taking his past business activity and associating it to be the cause of American economic problems and increase unemployment. While alternatively Romney’s campaign advertisement is has substance. Substance in the sense that it is using statistics, numerical facts to prove that Obamas first time in office has done America more harm than good. He does that by comparing America’s economy (house hold income, employment rate and debt burden), before Obama took office and after Obama’s first term in office. He used it to prove that America has not made progress domestically and internationally when compared to china. Personally this is highly convincing, concrete and professional. The challenge to Romney’s approach is that it appeal to the intellectuals and highly educated. In short it appeal to the brain because it the argument are logical and factual. But, it is not the whole American population that would view his campaign from that standpoint. More so Romney’s campaign advertisement was more nationalistic and futuristic. He was trying to make the America public understand the negative impact of Obamas government in the first four years on the future of the American people. More so, Romney’s campaign Advertisement was making use of authority’s facts, such as information from national bureau of statistics, while Obama was utilizing information from newspapers etc. But when view both campaign, Obama campaign seemed to have more effects because it appealed to the emotion. It provoked negative feelings towards Romney by the American people, no wonder Obama won the presidential election the second time. In conclusion, Obama negative campaigning again Romney won again Romney’s logical and systematic and factual representation of campaign advertisement can personally learn from this that people may response more effectively to emotionally charged campaign advertisement than to logical and factual campaign advertisement. More so independent research also suggest that Obama was more genuine that Romney, only God knows. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011. 2. Webster, M. (n.d.). . . Retrieved, from 3. McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011 p6 5. Dharmapala, D., Hines Jr, J. R. (2007, April). Which countries become tax havens?. InAmerican Law Economics Association Annual Meetings(p. 48). bepress. 6. Hamburger, T. (n.d.). Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from 7. JACOBS, A., BULLOCK, P. (2012, March 15). Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from 8. The American Presidency. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 14, 2014, from [1] McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011. [2] Webster, M. (n.d.). . . Retrieved, from [3] ibid [4] McNair, Brian. An introduction to political communication. Taylor Francis, 2011 p6 [5] Dharmapala, D., Hines Jr, J. R. (2007, April). Which countries become tax havens?. InAmerican Law Economics Association Annual Meetings(p. 48). bepress. [6] Hamburger, T. (n.d.). Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from [7] JACOBS, A., BULLOCK, P. (2012, March 15). Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance.. Retrieved May 15, 2014, from [8] The American Presidency. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 14, 2014, from [9] ibid

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

linear technology Essay

Three main issues arise when it comes to dividend policy in firms. The first issue is whether dividend is needed or not and the second issue is regarding which one would be the best option among various payout methods. Lastly, the third issue is about dividend rate. Whether these issues will affect corporate values has been debated over the years. This paper will talk about such issues through the case study of Linear Technology. 1. Why dividend is needed. Linear Technology’s payout policy, unlike many competitors in the Semiconductor Industry, has a relatively large portion in dividends. Linear has provided steady dividends since 1992 in a gradually increasing rate in small amounts. Why do firms pay dividends? Can dividends raise the value of firms? To answer these questions, let’s assume that Linear pays out its entire cash balance as a special dividend. For the detailed reference and information, the appendix attached at the end can be reviewed. There would be two different kinds of approaches to this example. The first approach would be adopting the assumptions of M&M1 and adjusting Linear’s situations to it. In conclusion with M&M, the value of the firm will remain steady regardless of the dividend policy. We can simulate two symmetric firms that only vary in the dividend payout ratio. If there is a difference in firm values or share prices between these firms, investors would not let it be and just do their households. Investors in the market would reveal the opportunity of arbitrage. Therefore, the value of two symmetric firms should be the exactly the same. To sum up, there would be no change in value, earnings or EPS. The stock price would just decline just as the amount of dividend payout.  However, if w e peel the onion of assumptions, things get different. On the other hand, by taking the second approach and sticking to the fact that dividend policies can affect the value of the firm, we can compare new result with the prior result. As the cost of capital is lower than Linear’s Return on Equity, Linear’s stock is a growth stock. Being a growth stock means the company earns more than what its shareholders request for their investment. On this condition, paying out entire cash balance will possibly lower Linear’s future earnings, EPS, stock price and its company value, as the company has lesser amount of cash in its hands for future investment after paying dividend. But Linear has paid out constant dividends in spite of the results above. The reasons are as follows. Linear believes that offering dividends appeals to potential investors who not only focus on the growth of the firm but also have interests in definite incomes. Some shareholders may prefer dividends now rather than uncertain income of the future. They also thought that providing dividends can give a signal which represents stability of business as supported by dividend signaling hypothesis. It can also make it easier to get more money by getting into debts. And other numerous studies assert the fact that firms with more favorable inside information optimally pay higher dividends and receive appropriately higher prices for their stock 2. 2. What’s the best option between dividends and repurchase? Linear is powering through stock repurchase in the recent fiscal years. There are two major reasons explaining this increasing amount of stock repurchase. Linear’s employee co mpensation is mostly based on stock options and profit sharing. In order to counterbalance the exercise of stock options, Linear is buying back stock. Another reason is the lack of profitable investment opportunities. But the practical reasons exist. Stock repurchases are discretionary compared to dividends. Additionally, stock repurchase doesn’t affect the  value of the shareholders3. Go back to the example mentioned above. If the company pays out by repurchasing shares, the two approaches do not show a difference. Since the firm’s stocks are growth stocks, the cash used to repurchase stocks lacks the opportunity of generating high cash flows. Accordingly, the market price would result in decreased future earnings, EPS, and the firm value of Linear. The number of outstanding shares, instead of the price, will decrease. While the price of stock would increase just as the amount of cash paid out to repurchase the outstanding stocks. It is important that in both cases, earnings and earnings per share before the payment are not affected. 3. About the dividend rate Firms judge the rate of dividend initiations by earnings. However, simply put, if dividend rate changes depending on the change of earnings, the fluctuation of dividend will increase. This would not be good. Because cutting dividends means uncertain future cash flows. If a company cuts dividend rate, shareholders will need higher opportunity costs of capital, as a result stock prices will go down. Thus, Linear has retained constantly increasing dividend rates in small amounts. Under the theoretical assumptions such as M&M, there is no difference whether firms pay out dividends or not. And if the cost of capital is lower than a firm’s ROE, no dividend can raise a firm’s value. However, considering the real-life factors, firms should keep on steady level of dividend rate or repurchasing shares. Repurchasing shares seems to be a better solution. As a conclusion, Linear’s CFO Paul Coghlan should recommend to the board that Linear should maintain the dividend rate and repurchase its stocks, so that the stock repurchase amount of 2003 exceeds that of 2002.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Chinese Three Gorges Programme Environmental Sciences Essay

Human world has put together great undertakings on this Earth of Earth, may it be building undertakings, IT related, direction based or sing any other field, work forces has excelled at every point and impression. To sort any set of activities as undertaking, one should foremost cognize what constitutes a Undertaking. Undertaking is a figure of activities targeted to accomplish a certain end, with the aid of limited resources, in a pre decided clip frame ( Kerzner, 1998 ) Many critics and experts have commented upon the sudden heaving of involvement in the filed of Project Management shown by the houses and particularly to the tallness that this rush has taken, that is beyond the boundaries of the conventional sectors of technology and different building related undertakings ( Sydow et al. , 2002 ) Just for case, have identified how immense and large organisations and companies are re-arranging into less interfering instead than being bureaucratic and seeking to go more ductile and lissome undertaking managing entities. Davies, Brady and Hobday ( 2006 ) suggested that houses and companies in all kind of concerns are reasoning that customary organizational formation and hierarchy, every bit good as subdivisions of runing units, trade divisions and units set up for continuing elevated degree of volume through arrangement of high quality goods and services and for deducing determinations in a relatively steady proficient and market state of affairs, are no longer sufficient. In the fast neutering and increasingly more unstable and obscure ambiance, today houses and concerns are happening that undertaking constitution of some kind is better suited to the type of probationary problems and gaps of opportunities that they have to manage. Others recommend that undertakings are acquiring liberally proportioned, more intricate and extended. Gradually more undertakings expand beyond the single administration or house. In add-on, there is cogent evidence of a more cosmopolitan dependance on undertakings, and besides that this widens beyond the confines of working life to a wider projectification of society The projectification of the public construct attempts to confine the colonization of a batch of note of life with undertaking associated doctrine, policy, methods and traffics, draw a bead oning to determine a new construct of undertaking clarity. ( Hodgson & A ; Cicmil, 2003. ) Undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam One of the greatest and successful undertakings handled and completed by the work forces on this Earth is Three Gorges Dam Project built on the Yangtze River in China. Sun Yatsen, a Chinese political leader foremost wished for building a H2O dike on the River of Yangtze in 1919 for the intent of power coevals, but the idea was put on clasp due to adverse political and economic fortunes. Major inundations resurrected the thought and the authorities adopted it in 1954 for inundation control. Therefore in the history of China Three Gorges Project has a polar topographic point. The undertaking produces electricity, gives protection against inundations, had increased the transportation paths which in bend had positive impact ; the undertaking has been of great talk and contentions at the same clip Some of the of import statistics of the Three Gorges Dam Project are given below Dimensions: 185 m ( 606 foot ) high and 1,983 m ( 6,500 foot ) wide Water Level Increase: The degree of H2O was intended to travel up in 2 stages ; by 2004 it will augment by 30 m to 125m ( 426 foot ) and by 2009 will raise another 50m to 175 m ( 575 foot ) Cost Estimate: In 1985, the sum estimated was predicted to relieve by 2 to 5 times, it was about 10 billion US dollars at that clip Financing: Beginnings of financess were different, some from Corporate Bond, others from loans from Bankss. Materials Used: It was record breakage, stuff used in Three Gorges Dam, that is 1.9 million dozenss or rolled steel, about lumber was 1.6 million and cement was 10.8 million dozenss. Construction Time period: 1993 – 2009 Land submerged: In a unsmooth figure there were 13 metropoliss, 657 mills. Towns that got submerged were 140 in figure and small towns were 1352 to be exact. Resettlement of Peoples: Resettlement was done in three phases, 1.3 million people around got relocated from twelvemonth 1997-2009. Energy Production: . It can cover around 11-15 % of Chinese population with around 84 billion KW hours produced every twelvemonth. ( Statistics collected from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Timeline of the Three Gorges Dam Project The great undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam started its building in 1992 with the blessing of the missive of building. The chief building of the dike started in the twelvemonth 1999. As this undertaking took 17 ( 17 ) old ages to acquire finished, therefore the figure of of import events and phases in this undertaking are mentioned below in a simple chart signifier. Gantt chart could non hold accommodated itself on the word papers. Jan.25th, 1999 The major building model of the Dam started in a proper manner. Sep.15th, 2000 The waterproofing of the 22 underside holes for recreation for the discharge of inundation was done. Dec.31st, 2001 The deposition of the concrete in the three gorges Dam was about 4.0638 million M3 ( regular hexahedron ) which was besides a universe record. May 1st, 2002 The Cofferdam was demolished after its intent was fulfilled which was to let a path of Yangtze River to spurt into the base of the Three Gorges Dam which guarded the entry into the chief Three Gorges Dam Project. Oct.21st, 2002 The building of embankment for the inundation discharge was completed Nov. 6th, 2002 The successful building of the recreation tunnel for the flow in the River of Yangtze was completed. Nov. 7th, 2002 The Three Gorges Dam Project entered into the piecing stage because the universe s largest turbine generator was successfully installed into the right place. May 30th, 2003 The three gaps and mercantile establishments meant for the inundation discharge were opened. June 1st, 2003 Five staged Ship locks and two manner lanes were activated and started their map of hive awaying H2O. June 16th, 2003 The five staged ship locks and the two manner lane were put into test of pilotage. July 10th, 2003 Another set of Power coevals unit was installed along with the grids and its started bring forthing electricity. Aug. 18th, 2003 The 3rd set of power bring forthing unit was connected and started bring forthing power. Nov. 22nd, 2003 The chief and the no.1 power unit was installed and configured and started electricity coevals Jan. 9th, 2004 The undertaking of Three Gorges Dam entered into the 3rd stage of Construction during which the largest ship lifter, the right bank of the dike, the power station was built which were universe s largest. Apr. 30th, 2004 Another no. 7 power coevals unit was connected with the left side of Power station and started operation. July 8th, 2004 The five staged ship locks and the two manner lanes were officially opened after traveling through the test period of pilotage July 26th, 2004 Another set up of the power coevals unit, no. 11 was installed and brought to functional degree. Aug.24th, 2004 Another set up of the power coevals unit, no. 08 was installed and brought to functional degree. Dec.28th, 2004 The electricity power works which supplies to the Shanghai starts its operations in the metropolis of Yidu in state of Hubei. Sep.16th, 2005 In one twelvemonth in front to the building agenda in bring forthing electricity, the Fourteen ( 14 ) Machgrs connected to the dike through side bank starts its operations. Feb.10th, 2006 The execution of the glade work at the underside of the dike started. March 29th, 2006 The formal building period of the dike started May 20th, 2006 With the support of human resource and pecuniary aid, the Three Gorges Dam was fundamentally completed. Sep 25th, 2007 The H2O degree had risen to 512 pess about, had passed the recession because of inundation and enters 2007. Oct.29th, 2008 All the hydropower bring forthing workss were put into actions and generated powers which in sum were 26 units. The last one being the no. 15 unit was besides installed into the right bank of the dike. This was the last of the power units to be installed in the dike Aug.29th, 2009 The 3rd stage of the Three Gorges Dam Project was checked and accepted, that was to raise the H2O degree to 175 metres, at the ideal tallness. Sep.15th, 2009 The full usage of the dike being flood control, H2O path, and power coevals, all was brought to working phase. ( Three Gorges Dam Timeline ) Purposes and Aims of Three Gorges Project While analyzing the benefits that would be derived from the completion of some undertaking, particularly undertakings like building a big dike, it is of import that its societal impacts should besides be studied before manus. For comparing the wakes of the undertakings it s vitally of import that the former societal state of affairs should be known. And by ciphering the possible hazard of ruins, societal impacts could be measured. There can be positive effects excessively ; those will be counted as benefits. The major purposes targeted through this undertaking were: Flood control Flood control was the first motivation for the Three Gorges Dam program. Chinese files demonstrated that 200 plus major inundations, on norm about one per every ten old ages, happened between 185 BC and 1900 AD. Floods had an impact on the economic system every bit good, the loss which took topographic point due to monolithic impact on the markets. ( Ministry of Water Resources of Peoples Republic of China, 1994 ) . The storage capacity of the TGD, that is 39.3 billion M3s, over half that was 22.15 billion M3 was fixed and was supposed to be used for inundation control, which permitted China to decrease the impact of lay waste toing inundations from degrees predicted one time every ten old ages to those predicted one time a century (, 2004 ) . Power Coevals The 2nd but non less of import factor which was the ground for the building of this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam was the monolithic power production. The power supply in China has seen major short of supply in past few old ages and hence one of the main grounds for which the completion of this undertaking was anticipated was 18.2 million KW end products, which besides made this Dam as the largest power production unit in this universe. This addition in the China s electric supply will give a encouragement to the lifting growing degree of China s economic system. And in approaching old ages it is predicted that China s power supply will augment more. ( Albert,1998 ) Increase in Navigation The 3rd ground towards which this undertaking targeted and achieved was the addition in the H2O paths. The Three Gorges Dam allowed the Pacific Ocean watercourse into Chongquing metropolis. This addition in the navigability affected the economic system in a positive mode, conveying new opportunities of occupations, callings in the countries where economical encouragement was needed. ( Albert, 1998 ) Handiness of fresh H2O Last but non least, handiness of fresh H2O to the indigens in the nearby country for the intent of irrigation and cultivation every bit good as for the imbibing intent. The wages that will be gained from the Three Gorges Dam Project are of import and will hold lasting, constructive impacts on the economic system of China. From an economic point of position, the Three Gorges Dam is a dramatic, utile enlargement pick that in add-on has the chance to assist society in footings of security, well-being, and overall value of life. ( Marta & A ; Jordi, 2006 ) The production of energy in itself was such a immense factor that all the negative points against the building of Three Gorges Dam were neglected but however critics raised their voices and made some issues related to environmental jeopardies, cultural heritage, and population relocations etc. some of the negative impacts caused by the three Gorges Dam are discussed below. Control & A ; Distribution System Other Dams Chemistry for Stability Power Grid Pollution Generator No and Type Problem Silt Electric Resource Surrounding Geography Concrete Granite Cement Structural REQS Base Layer Stability & A ; Tectonic Plate Movement Dam Structure Reservoir & A ; Dam Weight Water Resource Deluging Stabilize Concrete Remission Water Quality Flood Control Lift/Lock Navigation Other Dams Irrigation ( Figure 1 A relational web map of the physical constituents of the dike undertaking ) Negative impact of the Three Gorges Dam Project The World Commission on Dams in their study have clearly said that buildings of really big dikes have negative affects on the environment. In their study of World Commissions on Dam, they have discussed some of the common jeopardies like consequence on the wildlife in woods, emanation of unsafe gasses like nursery gas, bad impact on marine life, formation of wetlands and inauspicious affects on the quality of H2O due to the accretion of H2O from different dikes. ( Peter, 2008 ) Resettlements and Relocation of Population Another point of contention that took topographic point in the building of Three Gorges Dam is that whenever a Dam of such a magnitude is constructed, big relocation of population takes topographic point and same happen in the instance of Three Gorges Dam. In the start is was estimated that 1 million to 2 million of population has to be relocated, but the existent figure was ne'er confirmed, some say 1.2 million were to be shifted, though more than 1 million people were resettled during the building stage of the Dam. Another facet to the resettlement and relocation was the psychological and societal affect on the population who were to be relocated and hence a batch of community oriented critics were against this undertaking. ( Marta & A ; Jordi, 2006 ) Damage to the Landscape and Cultural Heritage Another factor which was raised as a inquiry in the affair of Three Gorges was the alteration in the natural landscape of that topographic point. The degree of reservoir had its impact on the archeological sites and the topographic points counted as antediluvian ruins. The disposal looking after the building of the Three Gorges Dam said they would seek to salvage the cultural heritage every bit much as possible. The Success-Failure Analysis of the Undertaking The Three Gorges Dam undertaking would be considered as a Success despite a batch of negative impact that it has caused because this undertaking achieved for what it set out as marks. The technology and the managerial section of the Three Gorges Dam were implementing a systematic attack in their Transporting out this undertaking. They all were known and good cognizant of the problems and jeopardies in building this big dike and make fulling it with H2O. Like any other large building undertaking will hold some cost and benefits to it, the Three Gorges Dam besides did hold some cost and benefits. ( Peter, 2008 ) The Iron Triangle To mensurate the success of this undertaking, the theoretical account of Iron Triangle will be used. Iron Triangle is the traditional and Orthodox manner of mensurating the success of any undertaking yet this is the most widely used theoretical account for this intent. The Fe trigon is besides referred to as the Project direction trigon. Like any other undertaking and like Fe trigon step, a undertaking has its ain restraints which can be clip, cost and range. ( Wikipedia ) The Fe trigon constitutes three success standards which are Cost, Time and Quality. Time Quality Cost ( Figure 2: The Iron Triangle ) Cost of the Three Gorges Dam Project The Undertaking cost was about 180 billion Yuan, which was about 12 % under budget which makes around 30 billion USD. The lessening in the cost of the undertaking was non due to the less disbursement ; instead it was due to the low rising prices rate in China. The resettlement of the population of the nearby countries of the dike cost around 68.557 billion Yuan, which has besides been included in this entire cost. Construction wise, this undertaking has non proved to be an expensive undertaking because the building cost incurred on this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam was 64.613 billion Yuans and the full return of the cost from the coevals of power is predicted in following 10 old ages. The approximative power coevals expected to be generated from this Three Gorged Dam is 1000 TW/h. ( Marta & A ; Jordi, 2006 ) The over all clip span that this undertaking took was 17 ( 17 ) old ages, but till eleventh ( 11th ) twelvemonth merely, funding were required because after that the undertaking became self sufficient and generated financess from the power supply of the few power units installed by so. So merely for fist 11 ( 11 ) old ages, financess were needed. Beginnings of Fundss The beginnings of financess included the Construction Fund of Three Gorges Dam, grosss from the Gezhouba Dam, loans taken and granted from the China Development Bank, and foreign commercial Bankss, bonds natured corporate, and net incomes before and after the start of the operational activities of the dike. The over all Directors utilized the financess allocated for the undertaking really good and completed the undertaking in the lesser sum than expected or was predicted. Time of the Three Gorges Project The clip span of the Three Gorges Dam was planned in these 17 Old ages, the complete break-up of the agenda was pre planned harmonizing to the old ages. They planned for the readying and the first phase building to be completed in five ( 5 ) old ages that is from 1993-1997, so 2nd phase of building was scheduled to acquire finished in six ( 6 ) old ages, from 1998-2003 which got its milepost on clip and entered into the 3rd stage of its building and completed that in six ( 6 ) old ages excessively till 2009 and came into functional. Previously the targeted twelvemonth to finish the undertaking was 2008 but so it was rescheduled and 2009 was decided and it git finished in 2009. ( Henry et al.. , 2004 ) Quality of the Three Gorges Project The quality of the undertaking was checked and approved at each measure, despite the big graduated table and the difficult proficient and societal confronts directed by the Three Gorges Dam, the applied scientists of China were able to suppress the obstructors at each phase of the undertaking. A batch unfavorable judgment was done on this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam and a batch inquiries were raised, but these unfavorable judgments did non travel in vain as at each phase and degree, the directors took actions against each affair and resolved the issue by taking steps against them and implementing the controlled program in the building. ( Henry et al.. , 2004 ) Until now there haven Ts been any studies of the slits or minor alterations in the substructure of the Three Gorges Dam, which shows that the dike has possible to bear the H2O degree which is maintained in it and was constructed for. Recommendations Whatever the graduated table or degree of the undertaking was, there is ever a infinite between flawlessness and the existent degree of work. In the undertaking of Three Gorges Dam, the decision makers have taken attention of the Time, Cost and quality but the conservationists who had issues sing the unsafe effects on the certain species of the fish found in the Yangtze river were put to hazard. There might hold been some possible manner to avoid that ecological devastation and the jeopardies caused in the environment. The cost of affects caused on the environment was excessively high. Therefore a batch of critics think that the undertaking of Three Gorges Dam from the start was a incorrect determination, nevertheless I would instead reason that despite that fact that it caused environmental devastation, it has given china a manner to turn out to the universe that they, with the biggest Dam in the universe are ready to go the 2nd biggest ace power in the this century. China is on its manner for its finish. Decision The celebrated and universe renowned Three Gorges Dam of China has quickly achieved its decision. This undertaking of Three Gorges dike, had a immense aggregation of peripheral developmental strategy along with it, comprised the main H2O supply enlargement in the past history of world. As happens with any other cardinal building programs that well changes or amends a watershed, this undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam had of import costs and payback. Among the most major wages were the production of energy without nursery gas releases, developments in pilotage, and possible lessening in inundation dangers. Among the most notable costs were immense supplantings of 1000000s of Chinese people to do path for the dike and H2O reservoir, farther environmental sordidness of the River of Yangtze s ecology and piscaries, a bead in deposit touching the Eastern China Sea, and a lifting hazard of new avalanche and reservoir persuaded seismicity. Over old ages, the overall benefits and net income s of the undertaking would go more obvious.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Extraction of metals and Alloys Essays

Extraction of metals and Alloys Essays Extraction of metals and Alloys Paper Extraction of metals and Alloys Paper An alloy is a mixture of metals, which may have different and improved qualities from metal elements, which make it. The percentage of elements in an alloy can be tailored to the application or purpose it is being made for. Usually an alloy is made of one metal (the base metal) with small amounts of other metals added. The other metals replace the position of the base metal in its structure. Extraction of Metals An element or a compound in nature inside the earths crust is called a mineral. They have a percentage of metal which can be extracted. This is called a metal ore. The most common metal ores are oxides and sulphides. Sulphides are the oldest ores. Oxides are formed when photosynthesis in plants release oxygen into the air. Metal ores are an infinite resource and once they are used, they are gone. Recycling helps this. Generally half of all metal is recycled through scrap metal facilities. The Reactivity Series (See appendix diagram 1) A metal that is under carbon in the Reactivity Series (zinc to silver) can be extracted from its ore by heating with carbon. Carbon is used as it is easily available and its cheap (coke and charcoal are both carbon). The metal is then reduced by the carbon. Hydrogen may be used to reduce other metals which are lower than it on the Reactivity Series. It is more expensive than carbon. It is only used for the extraction of tungsten. Gold and platinum are found naturally as elements and do not need to be reduced. Silver and copper are also naturally found. Extraction of Metals and Alloying Metal ores are found in the earth. They are rocks containing mineral or metal compounds or metals themselves and need to be extracted or removed from the rocks and the ground. To extract a metal from its ores you need to know its reactivity. The process involves a chemical reaction where the metal is separated from the other elements in the mineral. History of Metal Extraction Metals have been used by people for thousands of years. Gold and silver found in nature, were used for jewellery to show how wealthy people were. These two metals are too soft to be used as tools. The first useful metal discovered was bronze (the Bronze Age). Bronze was used a lot for tools and weapons in Asia and Africa from 4500 B.C. and in Britain from 2000 B.C. Bronze is not an element but an alloy of copper and tin. Ores of copper and tin can be reduced by heating with carbon. This would have happened as people lit wood fires in a place where tin and copper ore were. The burnt wood would have made the ores (copper and tin) into bronze. After the Bronze Age, coal fires were used to produce enough temperature for the extraction of iron (hence the Iron Age) The Iron Age began in Asia and Africa in 1100 B.C and in Britain in 500 B.C. Metals above carbon in the reactivity series can only be extracted by electrolysis. With the discovery of electricity in the nineteenth century, this allowed the extraction of more reactive metals. Aluminium has been extracted since around 1870. (3000 years since they found iron and 6000 years since they found bronze). Extraction of Aluminium Aluminium is the third most abundant (plentiful) element in the Earths crust. It is more abundant and the more expensive to produce compared with iron. This is because it takes a lot of electricity for the extraction process of electrolysis to happen. Around half of aluminium used is recycled. It takes less energy to recycle aluminuim than to extract it from its ore. Handling costs of aluminuim in the recycling process adds to this. Aluminium is high in the Reactivity Series and is resistant to corrosion as a thin layer of aluminium oxide on its surface protects it from corroding. Aluminuim has the ore called bauxite. Bauxite has aluminium oxide, water, iron and other things. The purified ore is called alumina (aluminium oxide). Alumina needs to be liquid or molten before the extraction method of electrolysis can happen. Alumina has a high melting point, so electrolysis cannot be done at this temperature. Alumina can dissolve in cryolite, which makes it have a lower melting point so electrolysis can be done at about 950oC. The main alloy of aluminium is Duralumin. Aluminuim is also used in titanium alloys. Duralumin is an alloy of aluminuim (94%), copper (4%) and magnesium (1%). There may also be small quantities of manganese and silicon in the alloy. Duralumin is a low density alloy that has a greater strength to weight ratio than aluminium. Duralumin is used for aircraft construction. Properties and Uses of Aluminuim Aluminium is strong and has a low density. It is also resistant to corrosion and can be easily bent into any shape. Aluminium is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It can be polished to achieve a highly reflective surface. Aluminuim can be used for making aircraft, lightweight vehicles, and ladders because it has a low density and it is strong. An alloy of aluminium, called Duralumin is used instead of pure aluminium because of its improved properties. Aluminium, as it is easy to shape and corrosion resistance, is a good material for making drink cans and roofing. Its also used for greenhouses and window frames because of its low density and resistance to rust. Aluminium is a good conductor of heat, so it can be used for boilers, cookers and cookware. As it is a good conductor of electricity, it is used for power cables and wire. Aluminium is highly reflective so its used in mirrors, reflectors and heat resistant clothes for fire fighters to use. Extracting Aluminium (See appendix diagram 2) A steel container is coated with carbon this is the negative electrode Electrolysis now begins. As aluminium is denser than the alumina and cryolite, it falls to the bottom where it is tapped off as pure liquid metal. Oxygen is removed from the positive carbon electrodes. Oxygen reacts with the carbon to form make carbon dioxide. Extraction of Iron Iron is extracted from its ore in a Blast Furnace. The ore is called Haematite. This is iron oxide. The iron ore has impurities in it, usually silica. Limestone is added to the iron ore which reacts with the silica which forms molten calcium silicate in the blast furnace. The calcium silicate floats on the liquid iron. Iron is low in the Reactivity Series, so iron ore is reduced into iron metal by heating with coke. How the Blast Furnace Works (See appendix Diagram 3) Hot air is blasted into the Blast Furnace which creates the carbon or coke to ignite. The temperature is about 2000oC. Carbon dioxide reacts with the carbon and makes carbon monoxide. This reduces iron in the ore into iron metal. Iron then drops to the bottom as liquid iron and is tapped off as needed. Properties and Uses of Iron Iron is a magnetic metal. Iron from a Blast Furnace contains around 5% carbon which comes from the coke in the furnace. It is put into molds called pigs, and the iron is then called cast iron or pig iron. It is very brittle and cracks easily, but it has a good resistance to corrosion compared to pure iron or steel. Cast iron is used for manhole covers and for engine blocks for petrol and diesel engines. Carbon is removed from molten cast iron by bubbling air through it. The air reacts with the carbon before it reacts with the iron because its more reactive (the carbon). Pure iron with the carbon removed is called wrought iron. This metal is easily shaped and is used for ornamental metal work like gates. The iron in the Blast Furnace is made into steel for use in construction. Alloys containing Iron The iron alloys are steel, manganese steel and stainless steel. Steel is a fixture of iron and carbon. The percentage of carbon may vary from 0.1% to 1.5% giving steels different properties. Steel is inexpensive and strong and easily shaped. It can be used on the construction of bridges, buildings, ships and vehicles. More than half of the steel is recycled. Steel will need a protective coat, like paint or it will rust. Rusting reverses the process that happens in a Blast Furnace. Manganese steel is an alloy of iron. Its iron (84%) and manganese (15%) and carbon (1%). It is very hard and is used for railway points and dredging equipment. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron. It is iron (80%) and chromium (15%), nickel (4%) and carbon (1%). Stainless steel is very strong, hard and resists corrosion. It is used in cookware, cutlery and industrial chemical plants. Corrosion of Iron and Steel When iron is exposed to air it will return to its oxide. This is called rusting or corroding. This process needs both oxygen and water, salt or acid will make corroding faster. You can prevent rust by coating the surface so the air doesnt come into contact with it. It can also be protected by a more reactive metal (See the Reactivity Series in the appendix diagram 1). Iron and steel are mostly protected by paint, plastic coating or metal plating. Zinc plating is called galvanizing. Chromium plating is used for wheels and bumpers of cars to give a polished surface. Sacrificial protection is used for ships, under water pipelines and oil rigs. Extraction of Copper Copper is sometimes found as a native metal. Copper ore can be reduced by causing it to react with carbon. The most common way is by heating copper sulphide ore which breaks down. The impure copper that results is called blister copper. Around half of all copper is recycled each year. Pure copper is needed for good electrical conductivity. Pure copper is made from the extraction method of electrolysis. Extraction of Copper Purification (see appendix diagram 4) The impure copper, when electricity is put through the cell, copper dissolves at the anode into solution. Copper forms at the cathode by reduction. Copper ions move from the anode to the cathode. The anode gets smaller and the cathode gets bigger. This is called the redox reaction. The impurities dissolve and fall to the bottom as sludge, which can have silver and platinum in it which can be taken out. Properties and Uses of Copper Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. It is soft and easy to shape. Copper is also corrosion resistant. It can be used for electrical wiring (so can aluminium) Copper is also used in cookware, but is not very common. It is used in gas pipes as it is easily bent for the application for it is ideal to use. Copper is used for water pipes for the same reason as why it is used for gas pipes. Copper is below hydrogen in the Reactivity Series (See the Reactivity Series in the appendix diagram 1), so it does not react with water. Lead was always used in plumbing in the past, but is being replaced with copper because of the lead going into the water which is toxic. Copper is mixed with other metals to form alloys, mainly zinc for brass and tin for bronze. Alloys containing copper include brass, bronze, cupro-nickel and duralumin. Brass is an alloy of copper (70%) and zinc is (30%). Brass is harder and less expensive than copper and can be used for musical instruments, screws and other fixtures or ornamental objects that need to be corrosion resistant. Bronze is an alloy of copper (90%) and tin (10%). Bronze is harder and stronger and rust resistant. Bronze is used for casting objects and bearings (e.g. wheel bearings). Cupro-nickel is an alloy of copper (70%) and nickel (30%). It is easily shaped and it is rust resistant and is used to make silver coins e.g. 5c, 10c, 20c, and the 50c pieces. Silver coins have not contained real silver since 1947. Alloys containing Lead The main alloy of lead is solder. Solder is an alloy of lead (70%) and tin (30%). Half of the lead and tin used each year is recycled. Solder has a low melting point and is stronger than lead or tin. Solder is used for connections in electrical wiring and plumbing. Properties and Uses of Lead People have used lead as long ago as 5000B.C. Lead is a shiny metal that is corrosion resistant and very dense and soft. It is toxic if absorbed by the body. Lead is rarely found in nature and it is a heavy metal. It has a low melting point and is flexible. It conducts electricity. Lead is able to be shaped into many things from water pipes to coins and stained glass windows. It also is used in car batteries and TVs and computers. It is also used for making wheelchairs, lift trucks, baggage loaders, golf carts and submarines. Lead is also used to absorb radiation around x-rays and nuclear equipment. Its also used in computer screens to again absorb radiation. It also absorbs sound. Leads used as a shield around electrical cables. Alloys of Titanium Titanium is mixed with aluminium (5%) and vanadium (5%). Titanium is expensive and is only used where its properties are needed. Its properties are its low density, hardness and rust resistance. Titanium alloys are used in special parts of aircraft and ship construction and chemical plants and hip joint replacements. The mined minerals are sent to mills to be separated from one another using electrical and magnetic techniques. To obtain pure, white titanium dioxide, the minerals are reacted with chlorine then burned in oxygen. Producing pure titanium metal is only done overseas, where mineral sands are reacted with other chemicals and then heated Properties and Uses of Titanium Titanium is a newish metal which started to be commercially produced in the 1940s. It is lightweight, strong and rust resistant. Titanium is a silver white metal and is soft when alloyed with other metals. It has a high melting point. It is non toxic and has many uses. Titanium is used to make aircraft engines, spacecraft, missiles, cars, sports equipment, watches, and general industrial equipment. Being non-toxic, it can be used for pacemakers, artificial joints and bone pins. Alloys and Recent Developments In recent times, the development of alloys has flourished because of further research and development of metals and characterising metals and the implementation of new materials and processes. Using previous philosophy of how metals are extracted and alloyed and advancing on these techniques which include using the modern top-down method that eliminates design constraints in the earlier manufacturing process. The discovery of high strength steels for new applications is a recent development. This means that the steels are stronger, tougher and even have a higher rust resistance when alloyed. New alloys of stainless steel have also been developed and the metal can now be used for new applications previously unavailable, especially in aviation. High temperature metallic materials can now be used in casting alloys in the wrought processing of alloy sheet technology. Also new super-alloys are being produced that can take higher temperatures using new chemistry processes. Alloys have in recent times needed to be lighter and also retain their strength for use in modern applications. Another recent development is the production of alloys is called Al-Li, which has great corrosion prevention compounds. Researchers are now developing fatigue resistant alloys to reduce failures of components and less maintenance. Lastly, low cost methods have been found, including single hearth melt, laser deposition and casting for titanium alloying has been discovered.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rivalry Between Beijing vs. Shanghai

Rivalry Between Beijing vs. Shanghai Beijing and Shanghai are arguably China’s two most famous and most important cities. One is the center of government, the other the center of modern commerce. One is steeped in history, the other is a glittering tribute to modernity. You might imagine that the two fit together like yin and yang, complimenting each other, and maybe that’s true... but they also hate each other. Beijing and Shanghai have a fierce rivalry that’s been going on for decades, and it’s fascinating. What Shanghai Thinks of Beijing and Vice Versa In Shanghai, people will tell you Beijing ren (Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬Ã¤ º º, â€Å"Beijingers†) are arrogant and uncouth. Although the city is host to more than 20 million people, Shanghai’s denizens will tell you they act like peasants- friendly, perhaps, but blustery and uncultured. Certainly not as refined and fashionable as Shanghaiers! â€Å"They [Beijingers] smell like garlic,† one Shanghai resident told the LA Times in an article on the rivalry. In Beijing, on the other hand, they’ll tell you that Shanghai people only care about money; they’re unfriendly to outsiders and selfish even among themselves. Shanghai men are said to place too much importance on business while being impotent pushovers at home. Shanghai women are supposedly bossy dragon ladies who push their men around whenever they’re not too busy spending their money shopping. â€Å"All they care for is themselves and their money,† a Beijinger told the LA Times. When Did the Rivalry Originate? Although China has dozens of huge cities these days, Beijing and Shanghai have played a major role in China’s culture for centuries. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Shanghai clearly had the upper hand it was the center of Chinese fashion, the â€Å"Paris of the East†, and Westerners flocked to the cosmopolitan city. After the revolution in 1949, though, Beijing became the center of China’s political and cultural power, and Shanghai’s influence waned. When China’s economy was opened up following the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai’s influence began to rise again, and the city became the heart of Chinese finance (and fashion). Of course, it’s not all macroeconomics and geopolitics. Although denizens of both cities would like to believe their cities are more influential, there is also a grain of truth to the stereotypes and jokes that get passed around; Shanghai and Beijing do have very different cultures, and the cities look and feel different. The Rivalry Today These days, Beijing and Shanghai are considered mainland China’s two greatest cities, and although the government being located in Beijing means that Beijing will probably have the upper hand for the foreseeable future, but that hasn’t stopped the two from competing. The Beijing Olympics in 2008, followed by Shanghai’s World Expo in 2010, have been a great source of fodder for comparative arguments about the virtues and faults of the two cities, and denizens of both will argue it was their city that put on the better show when they were on the world stage. Of course, the rivalry also plays out in professional sports. In basketball, a match between the Beijing Ducks and the Shanghai Sharks can be counted on to be contentious, and both teams are among the best in the league historically, though it has been more than a decade since the Sharks made an appearance in the finals. In soccer, Beijing Guoan and Shanghai Shenhua duke it out for bragging rights each year (though again, Beijing has had more recent success than Shanghai in the league). It’s unlikely that Beijingers and Shanghaiers will ever see totally eye to eye. It’s worth noting that the Beijing versus Shanghai feud sometimes even extends the ​city’s expatriate communities, so if you’re looking for a Chinese city to live in, choose wisely.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The history of circumcision in the Jewish religion Research Paper

The history of circumcision in the Jewish religion - Research Paper Example The significance of this practice is also subject to various interpretations and theories, largely with religious and social connotations. It is hypothesized that the ancient Egyptians considered circumcision to be a rite of passage from youth to manhood and an initiation into religious rites. Another perspective sees it as a method of purification which may also have aimed to reduce sexual pleasure. There is conjecture that the practice may be linked to phallic worship, being an offering to the deity of fertility or as a substitute for human sacrifice. The fact that the priests of Egypt and the elite of the Aztec and Celebes tribes practiced circumcision, suggests that is may have been a sign of nobility or superior social status. Practical motives, such as cleanliness and freedom from disease are also offered as an explanation for the practice. Some historians argue that it may have been a form of social control exerted by the church. Others see it as a mark of cultural identity, l ike a tattoo, or a sign of slavery. It is even given a psychological significance as a device of ‘pain imprinting’ through which the infant develops a greater threshold of pain and its chances of survival are enhanced. The root of the word is linked to words referring to preparation for the marital state and to purification. Ancient sources link the practice to reasons of hygiene and also as a test of endurance before entry into the adult world. It can only be concluded that circumcision is an initiatory rite with religious significance.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discipinary Litercies , and my Discipinary Litercies is Accounting Research Paper

Discipinary Litercies , and my Discipinary Litercies is Accounting - Research Paper Example The discipline under study has a very close and effective relationship with its audience. The discipline seeks to offers essential advice and guidance to accounting students and professionals on the most effective way of improving their competence in their daily activities. The discipline directly addresses some of the professional and ethical issues that affect students after completing their courses in higher learning institutions. Moreover, the disciple addresses, some of the pertinent challenges encountered by various learning institutions in the country and in other parts of the world. The discipline offers precise solutions to problems and challenges that affect various institutions. In regard to organisation managers, the discipline address some social, ethical, and professional challenges that affects the entire recruitment and promotion process. The discipline has developed its conclusion and recommendations from the management and administrative point of view (Thomas, Ferna ndez, Budnik, and Boston 119) How does this discipline revise old knowledge? In other words, how does this discipline use prior knowledge to make new knowledge? To have effective an impact to its audience, the discipline has consistently used prior knowledge to make and generate new ideas and knowledge. ... sidering modern technological development, the discipline has enlarged the traditional knowledge by including other requirements such as the ability to abide by the organization culture, skills of developing an effective team as well as effective knowledge on modern Information Technology. On the other hand, the discipline has emphasised on the importance of specialisation in organisation management and operations. In this case, the discipline expounds on the importance of building basic capacities and content specialties. To improve efficiency in service delivery, the discipline has developed the old knowledge by coming up with effective mechanism of dealing with workloads in the organisation. By referring to the discipline under study, developing market activities such as acquisitions and mergers will serve a very critical role in addressing the problem of work overload as well as enhancing organisation expansion and development. The discipline has also described the importance and relevance of including ethical training in higher learning institutions (Thomas, Fernandez, Budnik, and Boston 121) How does the discipline invent new knowledge? What kinds of knowledge does this discipline invent? The discipline has invented new knowledge in the conventional knowledge through various ways. For a starter, the discipline has expounded on the importance of consistent and systematic researches to identify and develop new knowledge and skills. Over years, researches from various professionals have played very vital role in advancing the existing knowledge and skills. Secondly, the discipline has emphasised on the importance of incorporating professionals from diverse social, professional, and cultural settings in organisation operation and management. Modern information