Sunday, September 22, 2019

Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Report - Research Paper Example This makes it extremely hard for such businesses to structure their operations toward meeting fully the demands of their customers (Noel 67). It was found out that most companies and businesses ignore the importance of information relating to consumer behavior. More than half of the businesses have failed to put into consideration the significance of data regarding the consumers; responses and behavior patterns in the market. Just about two-thirds of firms use the information they have to make decisions (Linehan 100). From the above statistics, it is noticeable that companies ignore the role consumer behavior plays in their market performance. It is suggested that all firms should focus and invest in unearthing information about their consumers’ behaviors. The data collected should be interpreted and utilized in formulating strategic decisions that aim at improving sales performance (Hanley and Morgan

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